The how and why of the trucking shortage

To most people who take a road trip on the interstate system, things seem business as usual. Trucks haul freight every which way, and nothing seems out of place. But those in the trucking and logistics industry know…

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Three factors impacting air freight in 2018

Technology, laws, and current events move ever forward. The air freight industry is a key player in global trade, and in 2017 air freight demand grew by 9% in the strongest year since 2010. Here are three of…

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The ELD Mandate and High Shipping Costs Have Made Logistics Indispensable

The infamous U.S. electronic device (ELD) mandate, which passed in December 2015 with a implementation deadline of December 2017, was constructed with good intentions. By keeping better tabs on drivers and limiting their driving hours, there would be…

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Technological advancements are here for the ocean freight industry

The international, globalized ocean freight industry exists today through the creation and proliferation of one specific innovation: the now-ubiquitous ISO shipping container. This simple standard for size and construction propelled the technological innovations that allowed ocean freight to…

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Top 4 International Air Freighting Tips

The world of international air freighting can be complex and difficult to navigate. Check out the following top 4 international air freighting tips to help you manage the chaos and lend insight into better international air freighting. Transport…

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Importance of Ocean Freight Insurance

Recently, the largest container shipping company in the world, Maersk Line, lost 75 containers from one of its sea faring vessels during a particularly troublesome storm near the East Coast of the United States. This event seems like a one-in-…

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Top 6 Reasons to Ship Through the Air

The air cargo industry is one of the booming industries of the century and is making global trade and economics much more common in today’s world. Currently, transportation through the air is the standard for shipments of low…

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The Top Seven Benefits of the ELD Rule

An ELD is an electronic logging device that enables truck drivers and carriers to track Hours of Service (HOS). The ELD must: Display a RODS (record of duty status) for drivers to see hours in a day graphically…

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What Driverless Trucks Mean for the Logistics Industry

What Driverless Trucks Mean for the Logistics Industry Although they may have seemed far off in the future only a few years ago, autonomous vehicles, or self-driving vehicles, are now becoming a reality. The number of U.S. states…

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The Top 5 Things You Need to Know About the ELD Mandate

The Top 5 Things You Need to Know About the ELD Mandate   1. What is the ELD Mandate? The ELD (Electronic Logging Device) Mandate was established by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) in December of…

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