The world of international air freighting can be complex and difficult to navigate. Check out the following top 4 international air freighting tips to help you manage the chaos and lend insight into better international air freighting.


Consider the total amount of expense you will need to cover in a transport situation. Usually things are straightforward when it comes to domestic freight – but when you delve into the international side things get increasingly difficult. To start, it is common that your cargo will make multiple stops on the way to its destination, and more than likely some ground transport will be involved. You should know where your cargo will stop and how it will be handled. Call your shipping provider to secure the information surrounding your cargo’s transport route. This will help you stay on top of its location and avoid any consequences that could arise from losing a shipment. 


A second professional tip is to make certain you have procured enough packaging for all the items being shipped. Professionals always recommend having more than enough on hand, just in case something unforeseen occurs during shipping or processing. Although containers are stable, you would be well off making sure your cargo is secured with ample padding and boxing. Doing this will ensure that their international trip will be a safe as possible. Remember that your freight will most likely be handle multiple times at multiple stops and being overly cautious while packaging could mean the difference between safe and damaged cargo. 


A final tip on professional international air freighting is to keep all documentation covered. You should pay special attention to: 

  • Weight of cargo
  • Dimension of cargo
  • Description 
  • Actual Market Value
  • HTS Code

The easier it is to find this information, the quicker your cargo will get through customs and back in the air. Avoiding negative scrutiny from customs is the name of the game, because keeping a proper shipping schedule relies heavily on the ease of processing. Keep things short, accurate and make sure to cover all the necessary information. 


The devil is in the details when it comes to international shipping. A shipper should always know and use the exact measurements and weight of the cargo being shipped. This is crucial, seeing as the trucking and airline companies will use the information to calculate more than just the price of the process. Inaccurate description of cargo details could cause the freight to be held over. Should a shipments measurements contrast with the given details, a lengthy carrier verification process will be conducted, throwing your entire schedule for a loop. 

Don’t assume customs will be lenient with your shipment as they can be very strict when it comes to discrepancies. The moment they find differences in what is stated and what is being shipped, a slew of problems will delay your shipment which could negatively affect your timeline and your business. 

International air freighting can be hard, but keep in mind the above top 4 tips and hopefully your process will become easier.

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